Here Comes the Burning River Ramble on June 22!
/This Thursday June 22 is our first annual Burning River Ramble a fun, free, pop-up, 4.2 mile running/walking tour of Cleveland's evolving waterfront held on the anniversary of the 1969 Cuyahoga River fire. The route (still in progress) is designed to connect property segments that have either recently changed to a park/paved path or are being considered for such (Irishtown Bend). Our hope for the Ramble's iconic route is to physically connect people to the great things happening along Cleveland's resurgent Cuyahoga River. And yes, we also want to provide an opportunity to show people what the Cuyahoga River looks like NOW (as opposed to those pics from the bad ol' days).
- The Burning River Ramble will start near the Columbus Road Bridge across from the Hoopples parking lot
- Travel up Canalway Partners' Scranton Flats towpath
- Connect with the Cleveland Foundation Centennial Lake Link Trail
- Make a quick up and down loop to the Red Line Greenway's scenic overlook
- Travel along Irishtown Bend
- Connect with the northern portion of the Lake Link Trail to the Willow Ave. Lift Bridge
- Loop back on the Lake Link Trail crossing the Cuyahoga River via the Center Street Swing Bridge
- Head down Merwin Ave., crossing behind Cleveland Rowing Foundation and finishing at Cleveland Metroparks Merwin's Wharf
Burning River Ramble Route Views

Ramble participants can then enjoy food/drinks at Merwin's Wharf, Hoopples, Sainato's Pizza/Rivergate Tavern or Brick & Barrel Brewing (the Ramble's official post-Ramble hydration location!). We're pleased to be partnering with Run Wild CLE on the Burning River Ramble and our charity partner is the Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless. Free-will donations will be accepted at Brick and Barrel Brewing or you can donate directly via the Network for Good.
Invite your friends to join us on June 22 as the more the merrier! Here's the Facebook event invite Due to rising interest in the Ramble we encourage participants to ride RTA, bikes (maybe rent a UH Bikes) or take an Uber in so we can minimize the impact of parking on the neighborhood.
We're also providing Cuyahoga River & Burning River Ramble route stakeholders a FREE opportunity to share their mission with Ramble participants at Brick & Barrel Brewing after the Ramble. If you/your organization would like to participate, send us an e-mail at
Burning River Ramble Route (subject to change)
Burning River Ramble Route in 44 Seconds
Still on the fence about participating in the Burning River Ramble? How 'bout doing it so people can see that the Cuyahoga River isn't on fire - but Cleveland is!