Which brings us to Cuyahoga River AOC’s beach clean-up and BUI removal celebration tomorrow (Thursday, October 17) at the Edgewater Beach House. Established in 1987, Cuyahoga River AOC’s restoration plan and actions are geared toward removal or remediation of Beneficial Use Impairments (BUIs) that either restrict uses of the waterways and Lake Erie (like not being able to swim at beaches) or present obstacles to healthy fish populations (like dams or lack of habitat) or degrade water quality. Tomorrow, a BUI comes off (Beach Closings / Recreational Contact The ability to safely use the beaches or have intimate contact with the water in the Area of Concern is primarily a matter of the levels of bacteria in the water) leaving four BUIs to be removed).
The actions of Cuyahoga River AOC provide organizations like Share the River the opportunity to promote the social, recreational and economic vibrancy of the comeback Cuyahoga River and we are grateful for their 2024 Champion of the River recognition. 2024 has been a great reminder that Share the River still has more work to do and that great opportunity awaits.
We’re pleased to pass the AOC’s Champion of the River torch to the City of Cuyahoga Falls. We smile at the talk we had at the Cuyahoga Falls Fest back in 2019 with Mayor Don Walters. Our interview has relevance today as Mayor Walters describes the potential removal of the 420-foot-wide, 60-foot-tall Gorge Dam. The removal process is now underway and scheduled to be completed in 2026. Mayor Walters is a tirelessly enthusiastic proponent of the Cuyahoga River’s importance to his community and the revitalized downtown Cuyahoga Falls.
We encourage you to be part of tomorrow’s Cuyahoga River AOC’s beach cleanup, BUI celebration and Champion of the River award. Registration is requested.