NFL Draft Lands on Cleveland's Lake Erie Shore

After two years of planning, and a year of uncertainty, the NFL Draft lands in Cleveland from Thursday April 28 through Saturday May 1. The national event is described by some as the biggest stage for Cleveland’s brand since the 2016 Republican National Convention.

In a Wednesday conversation with Rick Jackson on WCPN’s “Sound of Ideas”, Destination Cleveland’s President and CEO, David Gilbert, described how the NFL Draft has grown to be one of the largest attended sporting events in America. “It gives us a real opportunity. The event was watched last year by 55 million viewers (over three days) across the country… and what they are going to see of Cleveland is going to be incredible. I think where it give us an opportunity is really sending the signal that our city knows how to do this. Even in these kind of conditions, even with these kind of of challenges, were going to be seen as one of the top cities in America for hosting the biggest events.”

The meteoric growth of the NFL draft began in 2015 & 2016 when Chicago hosted the first modern NFL drafts held outside of New York City, followed by Philadelphia in 2017, and Dallas in 2018. The draft reached its zenith in 2019 when “the NFL claims Nashville attracted 600,000 attendees—nearly the size of its population—over three days and hoovered in $132.8 million in direct spending for the region”.

While COVID will impact in-person attendance and out-of-town travel to Cleveland for the NFL Draft, it delivers a TV viewership most actual sporting events can only dream about. If last year’s draft TV ratings hold up, tonight’s Thursday round alone will roughly match viewership of the Grammys and Emmys combined.

Recreational boaters interested in rubber-necking the NFL Draft location at the Port of Cleveland should be aware the U.S. Coast Guard “is establishing a temporary security zone for navigable waters surrounding the Port of Cleveland, First Energy Stadium, The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and Voinovich Bicentennial Park from east of the Cuyahoga River entrance to west of the Voinovich Bicentennial Park. Entry of persons, vessels or objects into this zone when under enforcement is prohibited unless specifically authorized by the Captain of the Port Buffalo or her representative.”

The security zone will be in place from 12 noon to midnight during the three days of the draft and during the fireworks show on Thursday and Saturday night. LCDR Bill Fitzgerald at the United States Coast Guard’s Marine Safety Unit (MSU) Cleveland notes the security zone was purposefully designed so boaters can transit the navigable channel without entering the safety zone.

“Should boaters want to dock at North Coast Harbor, they should hail the coast guard on VHF marine channel 16. A small Coast Guard vessel will then escort the boat through the security zone. The same process is required for boaters wishing to leave North Coast Harbor.” In other words, no casual in & outs of North Coast Harbor.

While you’re in town, check out Destination Cleveland’s NFL Draft website for events, itineraries, visitors guide, deals and special offers. And if you’re looking for food and beverage along Cleveland’s waterfront, check out our list of restaurants and bars.